Saturday, July 4, 2009

The 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and memorable 4th. Amidst all the fireworks and cookouts that typically go along with this holiday let us not forget the real reason we celebrate this occasion. 233 years ago fifty-six men in Philidelphia decided to do what then amounted to treason and declare that the United States was a free and independent nation. Do not think for a second that they did this lightly, if the American Revolution had failed they would all have been tried and hanged as traitors. But it was their idea that every man, woman, and child has rights, the rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," that they decided to leave Great Britian and form their own country, the United States of America. Those words still echo today, as do the words that "all men are created equal," which to me means that everyone has a chance to make something of themselves in this country. Where else than in America could a young man of 19 years of age stand up and say that he wants to be your next representative and people come forward and pledge their support to him instead of laughing in his face. I must say that I love this country, even when she sometimes goes in a direction that I think is the wrong way.

I spent today in the company of friends doing the traditional cookout. One of my friends is a Marine Reservist, who may soon be leaving to fight overseas. I also have another friend who is in the Army, who has just recently returned from deployment overseas. Let's not forget to go up to them and thank them for the sacrifice that they have mad to serve their nation, it should be somthing that we remember to do everytime we have the honor of talking to one of out brave service men and women. I will admit that I, myself, do not tell my own friends "Thank you for serving your country" enough. So just remember, while you are celebrating and even after the last firework has gone off, that its because of countless men and women risking and laying down their lives that 233 years later we are still a free and independent nation, one that I hope our Founding Fathers dreamed of when they signed the Declaration of Independence that freed us from Great Britian. Have a safe and happy 4th of July. God bless you all and God bless America!!